Posted by & filed under AS9100.


A word of caution: make sure your Purchase Orders or Standing Orders contain the complete specifications against which you want the product delivered. If you require Certificates of Com­pliance or Conformity. make sure they accompany the prod­uct when you receive it. When you have placed a Standing Order with a supplier they should submit updated certificates or some other confirmation of compliance each time they make a delivery against that order.

During an ISO9001 assessment at which I was present the audit revealed a certificate that was ten years old, issued for infrequent, long-term delivery of items needed in production. My customer had not asked for certifi­cates of compliance after the first purchase, on the grounds that the supplier was always dependable and the items would be delivered a batch at a time, based on the original Purchase Order. Unfortunately, the assessor did not take this view, and we got a minor non-conformance (the only one, much to my chagrin).

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