Posted by & filed under AQAP, AS9100, ISO9001:2015.



 The draft ISO9001:2015 changes the former “Documentation requirements” to    “Documented information”. Accordingly, this information can refer to:
 ” the management system (3.04), including related processes
  information created in order for the organization to operate (documentation);
  evidence of results achieved (records).”

So how much documentation can we get rid of? In my opinion, not very much.

“Management system” documentation will mean the organization’s quality policy and its commitment to the quality system. It will show who is involved, who has authority and responsibility for the various components of the standard and exemptions if required.

 A Quality Manual is no longer required in the ISO9001:2015 revision, but AS9100C still calls for a Quality Manual and so does AQAP2110.  AS9100C is based on ISO9001 and the revisions to the IAQG 9100-series standards are planned for project completion in early 2016.

At the least I can anticipate some tension between the assessors and certification candidates,  and then between the assessors and the certification bodies as to how much documentation is sufficient to qualify for certification, let alone maintain the integrity of the quality system.

I am pleased to see a move towards removing unnecessary documentation and allowing qualified employees to use their professional judgement. I have been known as “slash and burn Jean” by some of my clients in my zeal to remove redundant documentation which clogs up the quality system. I am concerned, though, about what I perceive as the ambiguity of this clause in the current draft revision.  I am going to stay on the safe side and keep my quality manual in the Qualidoc package available on the website.

By the way, see ASQ Quality Progress magazine in August for my article on Training.

Qualidoc ISO Cheat SheetQMS Training: useful questions


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